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Categoría: VOR 3.0

7. Ya están los temas ahora necesitamos a los actores

Expositores CORE



1. Lo que existe

1.1 Douglas Lenat Computers with common sense

Doug Lenat writes programs that are creative: they think up new mathematical conjectures, predict terrorist plots, and propose unsuspected disease pathways. Unlike other machine learning algorithms, his programs are based on Sherlock-Holmes-style reasoning, not statistics. A former computer science professor at Stanford, Doug and his team are now hard at work here in Austin, trying to give computers the one thing they need most: common sense.

1.2 Ray KurzweilGet ready for hybrid thinking

Two hundred million years ago, our mammal ancestors developed a new brain feature: the neocortex. This stamp-sized piece of tissue (wrapped around a brain the size of a walnut) is the key to what humanity has become. Now, futurist Ray Kurzweil suggests, we should get ready for the next big leap in brain power, as we tap into the computing power in the cloud.

1.3 David Cope Music professor

Is it Mozart or Professor David Cope? Many of the world’s experts can’t tell. See how this music professor uses his own software to make beautiful music.

6. Deep mind, inteligencias que aprenden y «no vemos que no vemos», se complejiza la ecuación


The real challenge here is not designing and programming robots to beat us at things, but instead to work with us. The idea of us all being replaced by robots is disturbing to most people, and would require a total redesign of society without precedent. We are moving toward a society where robots will play a bigger role than ever, there’s no doubt about that: the issue here is how it happens and what comes later. Those are questions that will take time to answer. What kinds of society we live in, wealth distribution, the role of humans, the development of society, these are the key questions. But the simple truth is that technological development cannot be stopped. Enrique Dans Now a machine can beat a human at Go, what next?

Version en castellano: Reflexiones s/ machine learning Go y lo que viene después