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Libertad de expresión en la sociedad de la información

unesco1.gif La UNESCO organiza un simposio sobre Libertad de Expresión en la sociedad de la información, que tendrá lugar en París los días 15 y 16 de Noviembre próximos. La primer mesa redonda estará dedicada a preguntarnos si el ciberespacio ofrece nuevas oportunidades. Estará dividida en tres secciones: 1) Promoción y ejercicio del derecho a la expresión en una escala global; 2) Desarrollo de la democracia participativa y de la sociedad civil mundial y 3) Expresion del pluralismo, cultural y la diversidad linguistica y la creativitidad para el cual nos han convocado como uno de los dos expositores, junto a Basyouni Ibrahim Hamada de la Universidad de los Emiratos Arabes Unidos.

Y aunque no terminamos el trabajo final escrito aqui esta el PowerPointque presentaremos el viernes, en inglés como se debe. Ojalá que estéLawrence Lessig entre los expositores. Tenemos muchas ganas de conocerlo.

Hace un par de meses me encontrécon un mail en mi casilla, de esos que nos resultan especialmente bienvenidos (¿mercenarios nosotros?). Empezaba así

A l’attention de Monsieur Alejandro Piscitelli


In cooperation with UNESCO, the French Commission for UNESCO is organising an international symposium on Freedom of expression in the information society that will take place on 15-16 November, 2002, in Paris.

The symposium, which is part of the World Summit on Information Society (WSIW) preparatory process, aims at contributing to the elaboration of the Declaration of principles and the Action plan to be adopted at the Summit. The attached documents will give you more details on the topics and provisional agenda of the meeting.

Aware of your interest in ICTs and your expertise, the organizers would value your contribution to the meeting particularly in round-table one.

Por supuesto que lo que mas me llamaba la atención es que las UNESCO se hará cargo de pasaje y estadía. Pero cual no sería mi sorpresa cuando me anoticiéde que en el temario aparecía nada mas y nada menos que Lawrence Lessig, quien además estaría en el mismo panel de la mañana en el que me invitan a mi.

A continuación el detalle de la reunión. Claro aprovechando tan generosa oferta pasaréantes por Madrid/Barcelona para consolidar y abrir nuevos campos de trabajo que tendrán incidencia en nuestra presencia internacional.

Aprovecho la oportunidad para agradecerles sinceramente a todos los miembros de la cátedra, que contribuyen con su tiempo y esfuerzo a respaldar nuestros trabajos e intereses.

Freedom of expression in the information society
an international symposium
organised by the French Commission for UNESCO
in cooperation with UNESCO

15-16 November 2002

Provisional agenda

Friday novembeR 15, 2002

9h00 Welcome and registration of the participants

9h30 Opening session

Mr Ko¬chiro Matsuura, Director-General of UNESCO
Mr Jean Favier, President of the French Commission for UNESCO
Mr Roger Dehaybe, General Administrator of the Agence intergouvernementale de la francophonie
Mr Jean-Jacques Aillagon, French Minister of Culture and Communication
Mrs Isabelle Falque-Pierrotin, Delegate-General of the Internet Rights Forum

11h00 First round-table: Does cyberspace offer new opportunities?
Cyberspace: a new space for the exercise of freedom of expression

Moderator: Mr Bruno Patino (France), Director-General of Le Monde interactif

1. Promotion and exercise of the right to freedom of expression at global scale.

Mr Lawrence Lessig (USA), Professor of law at Stanford University
Mr Owais Aslam Ali (Pakistan), Secretary-General of the Pakistan Press Foundation

2. Development of participative democracy and world civil society.

Mr Alexander N. Yakovlev (Russia), President of the International Foundation for democracy
Mr AndréSantini (France), President of the Global Cities Dialogue and Mayor of Issy-les-Moulineaux

3. Expression of pluralism, cultural and linguistic diversity, and creativity.

Mr Alejandro Piscitelli (Argentinea, Professor at Buenos Aires University
Mr Basyouni Ibrahim Hamada (United Arab Emirates): Professor in communication at the United Arab Emirates University

13h00 Lunch

15h00 Second round-table: Are there obstacles to overcome? The garanty of freedom of expression respect and the promotion of its full exercise

Moderator: Mr Aidan White (Belgium), General Secretary of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ)

1. What are the obstacles -legal, technological, and otherwise- to freedom of expression in cyberspace?

Mr Jacques Bonjawo (Cameroon), Manager of the Internet Division, Microsoft
Mr Peter Noorlander (United Kingdom), Legal Officer, Article 19
Mr Jean-Paul Marthoz (Belgium), European Press Director, Human Rights Watch

2. What are the elements – economic, technical, linguistic, and otherwise-, conditionning the full exercise of this right in cyberspace?

Mrs Karima Bounemra Ben Soltane (Ethiopia): Director, Development Information Services Division, Economic Commission for Africa, Contact person for the African information Society Initiative (AISI).
Mrs Christine Maxwell (USA): Trustee at the Internet Society (ISOC)
Mr Chin Saik Yoon (Malaysia): Publisher and Managing Director at Southbound

19h00 Reception

Saturday november 16, 2002

10h00 Third round-table : Is the definition of standards necessary?
The garanty of the respect and protection of all the values and rights of society in cyberspace.

Moderator: Mr Dominique Baudis (France): President of the Conseil supérieur de líaudiovisuel (CSA)

1. Should new ethical, legal and technical standards be defined, in cyberespace, to garantee the preservation of freedom of expression and the protection of:
human dignity, children rights, privacy, human rights in general;
network security, collective rights and democratic values?
If so, what should these standards be, who should define them, and at what level?

Mr Pierre Trudel (Canada), Law Professor at the University of Montreal
Mr A.K Chakravarti (India), Head of the Technology Info., Forecasting and Assessment, Department of Information Technology, Ministry of Communications and Information Technology
Mr Philippe Rouger (France), General Secretary of the Association des fournisseurs díacc¿s et services internet (AFA)

2. What kind of integrated system of cooperation could be set between the different parties concerned and between states, in a space with no boundaries?

Mr Pierre-Henri Imbert (France), Director-General, Directorate General of Human Rights-DG II, Council of Europe
Mr Laurent Grosse (France), Law Director, Interpol
Mr David Flint (Australia), Chairman of the Australian Broadcasting Authority

13h00 Lunch

15h00 Final session

General report

Mr Daniel Malbert (France), Department of international affairs, Ministry of Culture and Communication


Mr Abdul Waheed Khan, Assistant Director-General of communication and information, UNESCO
Mr Jean-Pierre-Boyer, Secretary General of the French Commision for UNESCO

17h00 End of the meeting

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